The Most Luxurious Handcrafted Buckwheat Pillows Anywhere!

I know that a good buckwheat hull pillow is only as good as what you make it with so I searched until I found the best certified organic A+ buckwheat hulls available and paired it with soft yet durable 100% hemp. Hemp canvas is resistant to ultraviolet light damage, heat and mildew, and repels insects. I hand make each and every pillow and case (they are not mass produced) so you get one-of-a-kind artisan bedding that looks as good as it feels!
Buckwheat pillows provide better than average support for the head, neck and back. This is because the buckwheat contours to the weight and shape of your head while you sleep. Buckwheat pillows also provide natural air circulation between individual hulls, resulting in perfect temperatures. Your pillow is never too hot, or too cold.
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. – William Morris (British craftsman, designer and poet, 1834-1896)
Sold Out - thanks again for another great series 2018